Your Support in Action 2 min read

Delegation Celebration

By wpdev

Good Food. Good Friends. Good Times. 

Our Y of SF Youth & Government (Y&G) Cluster was reunited last month at our Annual Y&G BBQ!

Over 60 Returning Youth Delegates from our 8 Delegations came together to kick-off our Youth & Government Program year.

Y of SF, Buchanan Y President Bitota Mpolo welcomed everyone to a new year of Y&G and introduced our new Advisors to the team. Together teens made dinner and sang karaoke. The Y of SF – Y&G Cluster has more energy and enthusiasm than we have ever seen before.

“The Family that Eats Together Stays Together”


SFY/Marin Delegate Connor Heffernan announces he is running for Statewide Office – Youth Governor for the 70th Model Legislature & Court Program Year.

Learn more about the Y and G program and how you can be involved. #SFYYG

Welcome to our new website!

Here you’ll find everything you need to support your wellness journey, connect with community programs, and explore resources for youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Please take a look around. If you have any concerns please email us at [email protected]