Delegation Celebration
Good Food. Good Friends. Good Times.
Our Y of SF Youth & Government (Y&G) Cluster was reunited last month at our Annual Y&G BBQ!
Over 60 Returning Youth Delegates from our 8 Delegations came together to kick-off our Youth & Government Program year.
Y of SF, Buchanan Y President Bitota Mpolo welcomed everyone to a new year of Y&G and introduced our new Advisors to the team. Together teens made dinner and sang karaoke. The Y of SF – Y&G Cluster has more energy and enthusiasm than we have ever seen before.
“The Family that Eats Together Stays Together”
SFY/Marin Delegate Connor Heffernan announces he is running for Statewide Office – Youth Governor for the 70th Model Legislature & Court Program Year.
Learn more about the Y and G program and how you can be involved. #SFYYG