The Bayview Hunter's Point YMCA offers fitness programs for seniors as well as social engagement so seniors can feel a sense of community and strengthen social ties. We have several activities to encourage older adults to take action and get involved.

These programs serving the community are funded by the City of San Francisco’s Department of Disability and Aging Services and Metta Fund.


Social Engagements


Brothers coming together to bring their thoughts, ideas, and concerns to a group conversation.

DATE: Thursday, August 18th.

TIME: 6:00pm

LOCATION: Bayview Hunter's Point YMCA - Conference Room

For any questions, please contact Vashann Jackson at or 415-820-4200.

Mindful Mondays

A space for Women of African Diaspora to speak truth to power and also talk of new intention.

DATE: Every Monday

TIME: 5:30pm

LOCATION: Bayview Hunter's Point YMCA also, via ZOOM

For any questions, please contact Patricia at (415)724-3158.

Senior Lunch & Learn

Meals, entertainment and up-to-date information.

DATE: August 12th & August 26th

TIME: 11:30am to 1:30pm

LOCATION: Bayview Hunter's Point YMCA (8/12) & OMI 446 Randolf St. San Francisco (8/26)

For any questions, please contact Patricia at (415)724-3158.

Exercise and Wellness Classes

Basic Strength

The class focus is conditioning for strength, power and endurance. Great for all fitness levels.

DATE: Tuesday and Thursday

TIME: 10:00am


LOCATION: Bayview Hunters Point YMCA - Studio Silver Terrace Park

For any questions, please contact Patricia at (415)724-3158.

Community Walk

Walking is overlooked as a form of exercise, walking can help you build stamina, burn excess calories and make your heart healthier.

DATE: Tuesday and Thursday

TIME: 10:00am


LOCATION: Bayview Hunters Point YMCA - McClaren Park

For any questions, please contact Gigi Hill-Hopkins at


DATE: Wednesday

TIME: 12:00pm


LOCATION: Bayview Hunters Point YMCA - Silver Terrance Park

For any questions, please contact Gigi Hill-Hopkins at

Sit and Fit

Sit and Be Fit brings easy chair exercises for seniors that strengthen both body and mind.

DATE: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

TIME: 11:00am


LOCATION: Bayview Hunters Point YMCA - Silver Terrace Park Bleachers ( Monday and Friday) and Room 3rd Floor (Wednesday)

For any questions, please contact Gigi Hill-Hopkins at

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a great exercise that improved balance, pain management, fall prevention and cognitive function in people with and without chronic conditions.

DATE: Friday

TIME: 9:30am


LOCATION: Bayview Hunters Point YMCA - McClaren Park

For any questions, please contact Gigi Hill-Hopkins at