Healthy Living 2 min read

Five Instant Stress Busters

By wpdev
A group of five individuals holding their fists in the air.

There are 119 new emails in your inbox, you just spilled coffee on your pants, and the next conference call starts in exactly five minutes… what a perfect time to relax!

While a multi-week vacation sounds good right now, many of us can’t sneak away immediately. To get you through to that next extended break, read these five instant stress reducers – and try one today!

1. Sip Green Tea

L-Theanine, found in green tea, is a chemical that helps relieve anger.  Boil, pour, and soothe…

2. Nosh on Chocolate

Dark chocolate regulates levels of the stress hormone cortisol and stabilizes metabolism. Now that’s sweet!

3. Chew Gum

No matter the flavor, just a few minutes of chewing can actually reduce anxiety and lower cortisol levels.

4. Count Backward

When worries are running rampant, slow your breath and count softly out loud from 1 to 10 and back again. “It’s hard to think and count”, says psychologist Heidi Rothberg, [making the practice effective at calming the nerves].

5. Give Yourself a Hand Massage

Hands can carry a lot of tension, especially if regularly typing on a keyboard.  Try a self hand massage for instant relaxation: start kneading the base of the muscle under the thumb to relieve stress in the shoulders, neck, and scalp.  Ahhhh…

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