Yogis Unite!

September is National Yoga Month
Are you wondering about the benefits of yoga? Ease in during September, national yoga month, and join millions of other Americans in the practice of a 5,000 year-old tradition.
Yoga’s long, rich history began in Northern India. Yoga has evolved over time and, today, emphasizes these five principals:
- Savasana or proper relaxation
- Asana or proper posture(s)
- Pranayama or proper breathing
- Dhyana or positive thinking/meditation
- Proper diet
Drop and Give Me Zen
The practice of yoga is individual and, with so many different types, there is certainly something that will work for you. When selecting your first yoga class, consider your current abilities and what you are trying to accomplish with your practice. If you’re a beginner, try a beginning class or connect with an instructor for guidance.
Jenna Chen, local yoga instructor pictured above says, “yoga teaches us to slow down and listen to ourselves. It’s a time to check-in (rather than check-out) and provides us space to heal. Whether you’re managing a stressful day, a major life change, or looking to answer a simple question within yourself, yoga is about self-discovery. I like to say yoga is not about self-improvement, but self-acceptance.”
Yoga is more than exercise:
- Decrease stress
- Increase flexibility
- Deepen spirituality
- Manage body weight
- Lower blood pressure
- Enhance brain function
- Strengthen bones and joints
Ready to be a part of something bigger?
All group exercise classes, including more than 50 yoga classes a week, are included with your membership.
Whether you’re an avid yogi or just beginning your yoga journey, there’s something for you at the Y.
The YMCA is a leading nonprofit committed to improving the nation’s health. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify. Please contact the Y for more information.
YMCA of San Francisco complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.