Healthy Living 3 min read

Members Return

By wpdev
YMCA of Greater San Francisco Front Desk staff working on computers.

We’ve had a year, haven’t we?!

California gyms moved through the tiers a few times since March 2020. And as the Bay Area holds tighter regulations than most of the nation- following CDC guidelines relentlessly- our members have flowed through the tiers with us. Now that over half of the nation has had at least their first vaccination, it looks like we’re all safely coming back into public life.

We’ve been seeing familiar faces and new faces come to work out in our open facilities (Marin, Peninsula, Presidio, Stonestown, and Embarcadero) Here are a few reasons for their return:

# 1: Us!

So many members have missed us. Missed our staff, missed our trainers and missed our programs. And we’ve missed you too! There’s no denying the connection we all have to our Y. Just take a look at a classes in Stonestown and Peninsula below.

Check out and sign up for our group exercise classes here.

Instructors have us HIITing our goals indoors too! Some instructors continued virtually and outdoors this past year. You still have the option to do virtual, outdoor, or indoor classes.

#2: Our pools!

We know many of our members are avid swimmers. They’ve waited somewhat patiently, only asking if pools are opened like clockwork. We are so happy to announce when pools are open (fyi Peninsula, Marin, Embarcadero, and Stonestown). Members are so happy to get back into the water and work on their fitness. Sign up for your lap lanes here.

#3: Maintaining Health

The pandemic knocked some people off their health plans, and some people into new health plans. Both types of members enjoy having a routine for their health with our equipment and trainer support. Sign up for wellness windows here.

#4: Social Connection

Finally, enjoying seeing your neighbors and community in-person is something we’ve all missed over the past year. Even if we are still distanced, it’s been great to see faces around us for support, and feel a part of something bigger again.

We’ve enjoyed welcoming all of you back, and we hope you continue to speak to us about what your health and wellness path looks like. We are here for you