Healthy Living 3 min read

A Life Without Diabetes

By wpdev
Headshot of an adult female.

Meet Vanda

Vanda lost 6% of her body weight – a total of 12 pounds.

I am happy to be involved in the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program!

I come from a big family surrounded by diabetes. My mother and my father suffered complications from the disease, and three out of my five siblings have it. I’ve lived my whole life hearing about it and have tried to avoid it by living in a healthy way.

Last year I went to my doctor because I wasn’t feeling well. At that visit I learned I had high blood pressure and prediabetes.

I was scared and surprised because in my mind I had always taken care with my health, controlling everything that I eat. My doctor told me that I should take this subject very seriously because once a person has diabetes, they cannot go back. You carry this for the rest of your life.

After talking to the primary doctor, I was interviewed by a nutritionist who explained the benefit of eating a diet based in more fruits and vegetables and limiting sugar and fat. She mentioned the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program and a few weeks later I received a phone call from the YMCA staff inviting me to join the Program.

Since then, I have been making complete changes to my lifestyle! I’m learning about calories, fat grams and how to measure my foods to control portions. Plus, I get a YMCA membership to meet my physical activity goals. It has been a very positive impact on my life.

In these meetings, we talk about diet and being more active, and we track our food weekly. Every week I learn something different that helps me on my new journey. I’m losing weight in a healthy way without sacrifice or any crazy diet. And being more active makes me feel more energetic and able to do things I haven’t done before. I’m proud about my results and very thankful to the YMCA staff who are helping me change my lifestyle and take diabetes away from my life.

– Vanda, YMCA of San Francisco Participant

Learn your risk for prediabetes or learn more about YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program

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