Diplomacy at its Youngest

Model United Nations 2017
This year the YMCA of San Francisco brought 60 Middle School Ambassadors to the statewide Model United Nations (MUN) Summit. Youth ages 10-14 were writing resolutions in General Assembly, attempting to solve world problems through Non-Governmental Organizations, and presiding over cases in the International Court of Justice.
Youth researched the countries of Lebanon, Columbia, Rwanda, and more. By seeing issues through the perspective of their represented countries they learned critical thinking and the importance of compassion. Participating in MUN allowed them to look outside the immediate world around them. They had an opportunity to see how each country is connected and the importance of diplomacy.
Rising Star
Special Recognition goes out to 8th grader, Janice. She served as the Assistant Secretary General and was awarded by the statewide program the prestigious “Rising Star Award.”
Learn more about the Youth & Government program and how you can be involved!
Model United Nations Programs can be found at the Buchanan, Marin, and Stonestown YMCA’s.