About Our Training Program

This twelve- week program offers young adults ages 18-24 with support to sharpen business communication skills to develop a professional image within the tech industry. The course structures curriculum for all types of learning with wraparound support. 




Create and deliver a website. 


Develop an artwork portfolio.


Gain hands-on product design experience.


Connect with network of business and professionals.

Explore Creativity

The course occurs during summer and offers a deliverable-based stipend. After the course ends, students transition to an educational and career in the tech industry. 

Contact Us

Angela Scott

Associate Director of Workforce Development

415 820 4240

Angela has over eight years of workforce development experience working in nonprofits and as a certified career coach.

Workforce Development

From workshops in professional etiquette and communication to drop-in resume writing support to intensive vocational training, we help young people become self-sufficient adults. We incorporate wraparound services and case management to provide participants with the skills and resiliency they need to succeed.