Youth Development 3 min read

Heroes Come in All Shapes and Sizes

By wpdev
An adult female speaking at a podium.

Public Speaking can be a nerve-racking experience at any age. However, with hard work and practice this is an experience that our Youth & Government Delegates are thrilled to do. 

This year at the Marin YMCA’s Heroes Breakfast our Y&G Delegates, Yasmine and Connor, spoke to invited guests about their connection to the Marin Y.

The Heroes Breakfast goal is to celebrate community heroes who assist the Marin Y in strengthening their community, including donors, volunteers, and partners. Yasmine and Connor gave testimonials about their Y Experience in hopes to continue sponsorships towards Youth Programs such as Youth & Government, Youth Court and Camp University. 


Yasmine Lunar – High School Junior

2 Year Y&G Delegate, After School Participant, Camp CIT, Camp Counselor, Y-Kids Staff



Connor Heffernan – High School Junior

3 Year Y&G Delegate, 2 Year Model United Nations Ambassador 


“Democracy must be learned by each generation.” – Youth & Government Program Motto



Learn more about the Y and G program and how you can be involved!